Reprinted from the Foundation for Economic Education Here’s a question for a PhD dissertation: How did something so radically anti-social ever get the name, social-ism? I leave that vexing matter to whoever wants…
Users have suspected Twitter of engaging in “shadowbanning” and suppressing the visibility of user accounts for years, even though the social media giant has adamantly denied the practice. Yesterday (Dec…
Total consumer credit outstanding rose by $27.1 billion to $4,729.3 billion in October, a 0.6 percent increase from the prior month. From a year ago, total consumer credit is up…
Do you want a romantic partner who loves to argue? Do you want employees, colleagues, and friends who criticize you? Do you value politicians and public intellectuals who aggressively challenge…
The preliminary December results from the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers show overall consumer sentiment improved for the month but remains near historically low levels (see first chart). The…
For the past 77 years, the US has defended the so-called free world. Not all by itself, but almost so for much of the time. Even today, Washington does more…
Reprinted from the Independent Institute Forget Covid-19 and Monkeypox. Respiratory syncytial virus (often shortened to RSV) may be the biggest public health threat this season. RSV is a virus that often results…
Some ideas are so bad we are doomed to relive them with each successive generation. Until recently, economic central planning from the political right received far less attention than its…
Reprinted from the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal American higher education is a stunning success, but mostly for the people who work in it. Faculty members and administrators…
Initial claims for regular state unemployment insurance rose by 4,000 for the week ending December 3rd, coming in at 230,000. The previous week’s 226,000 was revised up from the initial…