What Are Options? Options are contracts that allow an investor the option to purchase or sell stock at a particular price anytime before it expires. An option contract…
Call Options Call options are the right to buy a share at a predetermined price sometime on the future. The have a few key features and terms: Underlying…
However, it’s still worth knowing what rho means, as it does provide another dimension of understanding as to how the price of an option may fluctuate. What Is Rho?…
Options Delta Explained For example, should a stock option price increase in price by 0.5c with a 1c increase in the underlying stock price then the option has a delta…
Options Theta Explained Options Theta Math It’s not necessary to understand the math behind theta (please feel free to go to the next section if you want), but for those…
The second-order Greeks are a bit more complicated. Rather than looking at the impact on the option itself, they measure how a change in one of the same underlying parameters…
What Are Options Greeks? Financial derivatives can be volatile and sensitive to factors such as changes in the pricing of the underlying asset. Each character denotes the of sensitivity of…
What is a Long Strangle? The long strangle is quite similar to the popular straddle spread, the only difference is that the straddle involves buying a put and call at…
The Costless Collar Explained In Detail Stock investors are exposed to downturns in share prices and often use options to protect against major losses. The simplest protection method is…
Let’s look at a couple of examples: Out Of The Money Call Option Suppose a trader owns a 140 IBM Call Dec 20 call option allowing them to buy IBM…